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Getting Started with cppproptest

cppproptest can be built and used with CMake. You can examine the requirements with:

# at cppproptest root directory
$ cmake . -BBUILD
$ cd BUILD && make && ./test_proptest

You can edit your project's CMakeLists.txt to include the library proptest:


And then add the shared library proptest to TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES section.


Here's an example using Googletest:

// ...
#include "proptest/proptest.hpp"

using namespace proptest;

TEST(AudioCodec, EncoderDecoder)
    // ASSERT_FOR_ALL() is shorthand for ASSERT_TRUE(forAll(...))
    ASSERT_FOR_ALL([](SoundData soundData) {
        auto encoded = MyAudioCodec::encode(soundData);
        auto decoded = MyAudioCodec::decode(encoded);
        PROP_ASSERT_EQ(decoded, soundData);

Note that ASSERT_FOR_ALL is a simple macro wrapping an ASSERT_TRUE google test macro around the proptest::forAll function. You can find more information in Using Assertion section.

You can continue to Writing Property-based Tests

Last update: April 23, 2023